User Login

Existing users:


If you have lost your password, click here

To create an account, click here.

Our main Photo Gallery and all text and information links within this site are totally accessible for general web viewing.

All purchases of any service are directly linked to a sophisticated database from which information is either drawn or stored.

Be it our ability to provide you with an instantaneous, detailed personal biodata sheet (including Cyrillic mailing labels) for each address purchase, or features that individually catalog and track the components of your package plans from purchase to depletion. All such account activity requires the creation of a Username and Password.

Your Username and Password allows you to review all of your account information, including your current debit-account balance (if you have one), all of your past transactions with, including the full text of every e-mail message that you have ever sent or received through this site. No more organizational nightmares, confusion about whose mailing label matches which letter or face, and most importantly, your Username and Password has provided you with the opportunity to create and access your "Black Book".

A vital part of our site is the innovative "Add to Black Book" feature found on each lady's profile page. Once you have created a Username and Password, each time you visit we suggest that you immediately LOGIN. Your Black Book allows you to bookmark each lady within our main Photo Gallery that attracts even your slightest attention. You may delete any of the entries into the Black Book at any time, and may review past correspondence in its entirety with a single "click" of the mouse.


Togliatti Time
11:33:36 AM



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