Some Cool Russian Music While Surfing Our Site?

How many of us searching for a Russian bride have actually ever even heard the Russian language being spoken?

Can it be supposed that our link entitled "Phototour of Togliatti" is thoroughly examined by the casual Russian bride-site surfer?

The answer to either question is more often than not a resounding "no" least until you have actually begun corresponding with some Russian women on the network. Only then can you recognized the inner strength and beauty that many of these women possess. If one is fortunate enough to find, know, and eventually marry a Russian women, think not that you will unexposed to her culture once she arrives in in the USA. To my own ears, the Russian language has a beautiful and resounding sound. The music that I bring you here may not be to the liking of every Russian lady, nor every American or western European man. It is though quite appealing to both my wife and myself. We hope that you enjoy it as thoroughly as we do.

CJRich, General Director,


music online

russian music

Get your Russian music here (approximate download time is 15 minutes with 56K modem)

free music

Download Help Menu

1) Click on the "Get your Russian music here" link

2) We suggest that you Save your Russian music onto your computer's Desktop for easy listening access

3) Minimize the download window so you may continue to explore our site or "surf" elsewhere

4) When the audio file is finished downloading, return to your Desktop and double-click on the file

5) If you don't already have Winzip® or a similar type program to unzip your new downloaded file, we offer you the above link for your additional download convenience

6) Rather than listening to your new Russian music one song at a time, we have provided you with a link to download a free trial version of RealJukebox®, thus allowing for your uninterrupted,consecutive-song listening pleasure.

Click here to download Winzip® to unzipyour Russian music

Click here to download Real Jukebox® to listen toyour Russian music



Togliatti Time
10:32:21 PM



Call us anytime 7-8482-708363 (Russia)