What's New & Interesting

The online debut of volgagirl.com is official as of February 29, 2000

Febuary 29, 2000

There are over 400 women in our initial photo gallery that have been eagerly waiting to begin receiving your correspondence. Our foreign office has received an average of ten to fifteen telephone calls per day for the past two months, the ladies asking when our site would go online.

The official screening and registration process for many of these women began last September (1999). All of the women have registered in person, either in our Togliatti office, or through our satellite office 2 hours away in Ulianovsk. Their Passports have been checked to confirm that they are either single, unmarried, or divorced. All addresses are subject to postal confirmation


It will be interesting to our management team, office staff, webmaster, and friends to see the levels of response we receive.

Now that we have gone online, we will become more heavily invested in advertising our site within Samara Region, especially on radio ("Radio August" is a popular Togliatti station, and the listening audience of "Europa Plus" includes Togliatti, Ulianvosk and Samara. We look forward to many new profile listings in the coming months.



What's New & Interesting Archive

August 30, 2000
*Volgagirl.com office quarters, Togliatti, Russia
*Volgagirl.com Grand Opening Ceremonies at DK Jubilee, Togliatti, Russia
*Market place of the Avtozavodskoy District
*Update on Eating ... in Togliatti
*What does a small Russian car cost?
*Phototour Spotlight on Samara, Russia
*Phototour Spotlight on Ulyanovsk, Russia

May 25, 2000
*Russian appliances & food
*Our customer demographics



Togliatti Time
03:04:36 AM



Call us anytime 7-8482-708363 (Russia)