How We Advertise In Russia

The women profiled on this site have possibly been attracted to our company through one or more of the following ways:

Radio Advertising: Radio Spot #1 | Radio Spot #2

Newspaper & Print Advertising

Company Sign

Live Events

A Volga Girl sponsors year events in Togliatti whereby ladies can come to an official presentation outlining what our company does and how it does it, meet our helpful staff, and register on-the-spot.

Year 2000 Registration Drive

Year 2002 Registration Drive

Personal Referrals & Word-of-Mouth

Even though Togliatti is a city of 800,000 people ... residents call it "a big village."  Success begets success and the company has earned a reputation as being honest and efficient, with no expenses incurred by the ladies. The word of a growing number of engagements and marriages does get around.


Togliatti Time
02:00:53 AM



Call us anytime 7-8482-708363 (Russia)