Togliatti's Photo Gallery

all photos taken August 1999

Welcome to our Togliatti Photo Gallery. Our aim is to provide you with some visual and descriptive insights into the physical location & environment within which the majority of VolgaGirl's reside.

Please click on thumbs for larger version and descriptive information

Volzhskaya Hydroelectric
Power Station

Children's Park in
the "New Town"

Sports complex "Olimp"

Togliatti nightclub

Outdoor market

Parish & Baptising Temple

"Revolution Street"

Houses in the  Old Town

chemical factory

Corporate offices of

New construction abounds
within today's Togliatti

The mighty Volga river

A typical "old style"

Luxury apartment building in
the Togliatti's "Old Town"

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Togliatti Time
12:26:46 PM



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