We suggest that you translate letters for ladies self-reporting
a Level 3, 2, 1, or 0 English language proficiency. Levels 4 and 5 (based
upon our rating scale) have reported being fluent speakers & can
most probably correspond without the use of written language translation
A Volga Girl offers written foreign language translation
services beginning at a standard rate of 2.0 cents per word, in either
English, Russian or German. Turn around time for written foreign language
translations is within 48 hours, & our standard is quite consistent,
as our Togliatti, Russia office is open seven days and 60 hours per
Priority translations will be performed in 1 working
day for an additional 1.0 cent per word. For correspondence directed
within Togliatti and whenever telephone contact is available; our friendly,
efficient, and dedicated office staff will notify your special lady(s)
that your message awaits.
Otherwise, your message will be promptly mailed. 1,300+,
or 65% of the VolgaGirls live in Togliatti. As the Russian mail system
is not always reliable; we suggest that all messages sent outside the Togliatti
area be sent Registered Mail for an additional fee of $1.25 USD.
A Volga Girl's
Translation Specialists |