How Best To Utilize Our Site

May we suggest that you print this page for future reference

Creation of a User Name & Password

A Volga Girl services are directly linked to a sophisticated database from which all transactions are either stored or drawn. It is therefore necessary to create a user name and password to provide you with an identity that the database will recognize. Our site has been reviewed and is a licensee of the TRUSTe Privacy Program and does not share, distribute or sell any client IDENTIFYING INFORMATION (including your email address) under any circumstance.

This site's ability to immediately provide you with detailed personal BIODATA for each  purchased, features that individually catalog & track the components of your package plans from purchase to depletion, gift purchases, a detailed accounting of all letters ever sent & received, a detailed financial accounting -- all such activity and reports requires the creation of a unique username and password.

Purpose & Use of Your "Account Showcase"

The distinguishing features of A Volga Girl's ACCOUNT SHOWCASE are engineered to provide you with the ability to negotiate our site & to conduct all necessary transactions with ease.


Each of the six links found within your Account Showcase serve a distinct function. Use MUST be preceded by client LOGIN to the site.

account showcase: Your primary control center, providing you the ability to conduct the following functions ....

view your blackbook: Allows you to bookmark profiles that you may be interested in purchasing, to store address and private information already purchased, and to send email messages and photos.

view your messages: Catalogs all messages you have ever sent and received through our site. When you receive new messages, an automatic notification sent to your regular email address asking you to LOGIN and check your account. This is the function you would use to do exactly that.

upload your pictures: The decision to correspond is typically made in part based upon a lady's photos. It is strongly suggested that at least one good photo of yourself be sent to accompany your initial letter of introduction. This function allows clients to upload individual photos not to exceed 150 kilobytes each. They are then stored in your account until such time as you decide to send them.

review your account: This function allows you to review all account transactions. Debit-account deposits, deductions from email and language translation packages, gift purchases, photo uploads fees, photo output charges, and remaining account resources.

logout: Clients accessing their account through a computer in the workplace, public library, or any other non-secure location should logout when finished conducting site related business. Failure to do so could allow others to access your account resources.


Our database use of Cookies allows your computer to remember your LOGIN information, and for those using their own home computer, there may be if any reason to logout.

Purchase/Payment Options
& Use of a "Debit-Account"

Client's may approach financial transactions through A Volga Girl in the following ways:

1) Credit card use at point-of-purchase for a) lady's profile information b) individual emails without language translation c) email and language translation package-plans d) gift purchases and delivery charges e) additional photo sets and live-videos f) prepaid photo-upload fees g) prepaid photo-output fees

2) Your ability to utilize any and all services offered through A Volga Girl is best begun by making a deposit into your personal debit-account. When choosing this variant, clients are not required to repeatedly use their credit card when conducting site business.

For those requiring language translations: It is necessary to make a debit-account deposit which will allow our database to deduct whether two cents per word (standard translation fee), or deduction from purchase a language translation package whereby you can purchase a block of words-of-translation in advance at an even further discounted rate.

Our site operates under the encrypted security of an SSL Certificate from Pair. All of our credit card transactions are handled by VeriSign, and our database does not register the full set of numbers on your credit cards. Your Internet transactions with A Volga Girl are actually more secure than presenting your credit card in-person to a representative of any retail establishment.

Lady's Profile Purchases

Lady's profile information can be purchased on an individual or package basis. There is no ordering or time constraint on profile selections when purchasing a package- plan. Once the profile has been purchased, you have instant access to the lady's full information, which can be found as one of four hyperlinks appearing directly to the right of the lady's thumbnail photo in your blackbook.

Uploading Photos

LOGIN using your username and password. Save your photos in JPEG format, compressing each to 150 kbs or less, click on the "upload your pictures" button, and further click the browse button. You are now accessing the files stored on your computer. Select the photo that you wish to upload, assign a name that photo, and click the "upload" button. If you are unable to compress your photos, you can always forward them through and we will edit and upload them to your account.

Sending / Receiving Email Messages

Once you have made a lady's profile purchase, consult your black- book and you will find four blue hyperlinks, two of which will allow you to send messages & previously uploaded photos.

When you receive new messages you will receive an auto-email directed to your private email address asking you to LOGIN to the site to view the new message & you may do so by clicking through the "view your messages" button in your Account Showcase.

Our database requires that you must purchase a lady's full information (profile) in order to activate the e-mail message sending capability which allows the start of your correspondence and back and forth message writing between the man and the lady.

Sending Gifts

Selections included in our GIFT SHOPPE are also located at the bottom of each lady's profile page within our Main Photo Gallery. When sending gifts to a particular lady, please visit and reference the bottom portion of her profile page. When ordering gifts from the selection provided -- our database automatically knows to whom the gifts are going, and will automatically compute your gift and delivery charges. When ordering gifts directly from the Gift Shoppe, you need to enter the specific Identification Number (lady's profile #) assigned to that lady. This number can be found either under her thumbnail photo in your blackbook, or at the top of her profile page directly next to her name.

Our Addendum … Customer Service

This site was founded upon the premise of full disclosure of information in both the lady's and man's profile and that all information provided is correct and accurate as provided by the men clients and the profiled ladies.  There is no manipulation of data by A Volga Girl. We suggest that A Volga Girl is a bridge between most of the sites that have no full-time Russian presence, and the Russia- owned sites that have no connection with the west whatsoever.

A Volga Girl is a small, successful company that operates a very efficient service with wonderful results. There are no hidden costs in doing business with our firm. All services are free-of-charge to all of the women registered with our site. "How dare we tell you that we accept only a small percentage of woman who register … for reasons that they are not young enough, or beautiful enough"? We have a full-time presence in a city of 1,000,000 people. We exclude no one, and fully recognize that there are elements including both business and compassion in what we are trying to accomplish.

We do not use "representative personnel" in the Togliatti area. Our full-time STAFF MEMBERS hold University degrees in various foreign languages, and are all Certified Translators. They work in modern office space on a main street in Togliatti. Our RUSSIAN BUSINESS QUARTERS open 6-days and 53 hours per week! A Volga Girl is officially registered within the Russian Federation and is also registered as an American company as an LLC in Kentucky, USA. We provide you with our American address and telephone number along with our client email-support address on our CONTACT page. We look forward to hearing from you. Our overall success is based upon your success in finding, knowing, & eventually marrying a wonderful Russian-bride specifically chosen by you. The utilization of our site can provide you with an honest and straightforward approach to doing business, including value, and high levels of personalized customer service. We wish you all the best, and work to strongly support you in your efforts.


David L. Knabel
A Volga Girl President
Prospect, KY, USA
Ms. Helen Bessonova
Office Manager
Togliatti, Russia

Togliatti Time
10:50:57 AM



Call us anytime 7-8482-708363 (Russia)